
Poets are some of the most inspiring, thoughtful people in the world today. They share their amazingly well-thought-out works in poetry books and on live stages everywhere. Poets are natural speakers who can be motivational keynote presenters at a host of events. Poetry speakers get people to see important issues of the day from a different perspective, which can add great value to virtual and in-person events.  
All A B C F I J K L N O P R S T W Y
All A B C F ...
Fred Moten Poet Specializing in African American Literature and Creative Writing

Fred Moten is author of In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (University of Minnesota Press) Hughson’s Tavern (Leon Works) B. Jenkins (Duke University Press) The Feel Trio (Lett... Read More

Tricia Hersey Poet and Activist, Founder of The Nap Ministry, Racial and Social Justice Advocate

When you see Tricia Hersey's artwork, you are seeing a practice that is unrestrained and defies the boundaries that are frequently created between different disciplines, approaches, and schools of tho... Read More