Nonprofit Leaders

Nonprofits are some of the most vital organizations in the country. They provide invaluable services to millions of people, especially the poor and the working class. Nonprofits often provide medicine, food, housing, and other critical services to people who cannot get them elsewhere. A nonprofit speaker can help your business or organization understand how nonprofits operate, and where your company can potentially assist or supplement nonprofit services. Nonprofit speakers tend to be highly enthusiastic about what they are doing. 

Speaker Booking Agency has been booking the top nonprofit leaders for the past 20 years. Booking a speaker who aligns with your company’s vision and long-term goals has never been easier. Contact us today!

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Orion Jean Time's 2021 Kid of the Year

American bobsledder Jean Prahm raced from 1996 to 2006. At the FIBT World Championships, she took home three medals: two silvers (2000, 2001) and a bronze (2004). Prahm won the two-woman event of the... Read More