Law Enforcement Speakers

Keeping our streets safe is the top priority of law enforcement experts. These are individuals that have years of training in the best practices related to security, self-defense and crisis management. A law enforcement speaker can help educate your group or organization about these tactics. They present with authority that only comes from experience working in the field and dealing with complex situations. 

Speaker Booking Agency can help you book the perfect law enforcement speaker for your next conference or event. Our talented team of booking agents have successfully assisted on thousands of speaking engagements. Contact us today! 

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Asha Rangappa Yale Lecturer, CNN Analyst and Former FBI Agent

Asha Rangappa is a Senior Lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and a former Associate Dean at Yale Law School. Prior to her current position, Asha served as a Special... Read More

Amanda Knox Activist Wrongfully Convicted of Murder in Italy and Subject of a Netflix Documentary

Amanda Knox is an American woman who spent almost four years in an Italian prison following her conviction for the 2007 murder of Meredith Kercher, a fellow exchange student who shared her apartment.... Read More