Education Speakers

Education is one of the most important issues of the day. It is also one of the most polarizing. There are many different ideas on how governments should approach education and it can be difficult to come to a consensus. There are some education professionals who advocate for public schools, while some advocate for private schools. There is also a growing charter school movement for schools that receive public tax dollars but operate outside of public regulation. Education speakers can help organizations to make sense out the education debate and to find out how their products or services may fit the needs of the education industry. 

Looking to book an education speaker for your next event? Speaker Booking Agency has been booking the top names in the education space for the past 20 years. Contact us today!

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Erin Gruwell Inspirational Educator & Author of "The Freedom Writers"

Erin Gruwell is a teacher at Long Beach High School. Many of her students from this tough, racially divided school were deemed “unteachable,” and written off by the education system. Shaken, but und... Read More