Customer Service Speakers

Customer service is one of the most critical aspects of any business. It is vital to manage customer relationships and ensure that your customers have a positive experience that makes them remember your business fondly. Experts in the field of customer service have years of experience working with some of the largest and most influential companies and organizations in the world. 

Speaker Booking Agency takes great pride in helping our clients find customer service speakers who fit their organization’s culture and leadership style. You deserve to have a customer service speaker who can fully transform your entire organization’s view on how customer service works. Contact us today and our team will get started on finding you the right customer service speaker! 

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Lee Cockerell Former Executive Vice President of Walt Disney World Resort Operations

Lee Cockerell is the former Executive Vice President of Operations for the Walt Disney World Resort. "As the Senior Operating Executive for ten years Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was resp... Read More